Merry Christmas and A Look Back
From everyone at Driveline Baseball (all one of us), we wish you a very Merry Christmas and happy holidays.
2012 was a landmark year for many reasons, not the least of which were:
- Joe Marsh gaining 13 MPH on his fastball in five months (he came in last week and ended up throwing 97.7 MPH with the 3 oz. baseball, so he’s still got it)
- Merging with and moving into RIPS Baseball
- Moving RIPS / Driveline into our new SeaTac location (which continues to be a process!)
- Debuting our velocity development program: MaxVelo (name to be changed in 2013, so keep an eye out)
- Growing our client base – both local and remote training
Speaking of our MaxVelo program, here’s a quick update on the RIPS clients who have signed up and been tested in their first six-week cycle:
That’s an average gain of 6.7 MPH over six weeks, and every pitcher in the program self-reports significantly healthier and stronger feeling arms!
We can’t wait to bring all sorts of new things to you in 2013, including our velocity development program (including videos, manuals, and a significant online component), expanded remote consultation options, more high-speed videos on our YouTube channel, more results from our biomechanics lab, and most exciting, a Driveline Baseball branded line of equipment for training! Yes, you read that right – our own equipment for velocity development and arm care manufactured to our specifications! Since we constantly have to piece together our kits from various places, we’re cutting out the middle man and doing it ourselves, and we couldn’t be more excited to bring those products to market! We hope to do so in February-March of 2013, right before the velocity development program is released (mid-April release date).
So thanks for sticking with us, and supporting us by linking to us and sharing our blog posts on Facebook/Twitter/Google+ and the like. We couldn’t have done it without your help.
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